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The Constitution operates totally within the context of the Articles of Association of the Newmarket Real Tennis Club Ltd, which take precedence in any discrepancy. It includes Rules for the day-to-day safe and fair operation of the Club for the benefit of all members.




The name of the club is The Newmarket Real Tennis Club Ltd.




The main aim of The Newmarket Real Tennis Club is to provide and promote facilities for members, visitors and the local community to play real tennis in Newmarket.


To achieve this aim, the objectives are to manage, maintain and develop the court and other premises and facilities of the Club and to enable and encourage real tennis to be played at the Club by offering a range of competitive and friendly games, matches, competitions and exhibitions. The Club will employ professional staff and others to offer coaching, training and support for members, potential members and visitors. It will organise and hold relevant social and other events and offer sports clothing and equipment for sale, hire or use. It will maintain effective communication with members and with the Real Tennis community, including affiliation to appropriate organisations.




Membership is open to all, irrespective of ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, religion, beliefs, age or disability. The Club’s Professionals will make every effort to provide an introduction to the game and the Club.


The ordinary membership of the Club consists of those individuals or corporate organisations, accepted by the Committee, who have paid an annual subscription and levy as applicable.


Court booking is available up to 4 weeks in advance by all categories of members, through individual use of the online system.


Founder Members are those who have made a donation or loan for the purchase of the club at its inception. A display board is to be erected at the Club listing contributors, and an annual handicap tournament for Founder Members to be held as a social event. Non-member Founders will be given one courtesy court without visitor fee, per Loan unit, up to three, for each year that they hold a loan note.


Visitors are welcome to play subject to court availability. A visitor’s fee is payable in addition to the normal court fee. Any visitor may play a maximum of 4 times during the Club’s year before incurring a country membership charge.


All members and visitors are required to conduct themselves on and off court in a manner consistent with the etiquette of the game, to treat opponents and officials in a fair manner and to observe the rules of the Club. Members and visitors play at their own risk and are required to take due note of Health and Safety rules. The Club takes no responsibility for injury or for any loss of, or damage to, personal property.


Clothing worn on court for all games, practice & coaching should be predominantly white, conforming to T&RA standards. If possible members should wear club colours for playing representative games.




A member may withdraw from membership by giving notice to the Club in writing. No refund of the remaining subscription or levy will normally be made.


The directors may expel a member from the Club only for good and sufficient cause (see Article 13.2). The member shall be given an opportunity to make an explanation of their behaviour for consideration.




The annual subscription for each class of membership and other fees shall be determined by the Executive Committee, and ratified by the Club in General Meeting. Subscriptions are due on the first day of October each year. A standing order is the preferred method of payment. It is the responsibility of members to ensure that the correct amount is paid on time.


Court fees and other costs are listed on the Club’s website and notice board, and individual accounts are presented via the online booking system. It is each member’s responsibility to check these and to ensure that payment for subscriptions and fees is made within 30 days of the due date. Failure to do so may result in administration charges or in the suspension of playing rights. It is suggested that members who play regularly may wish to pay a monthly standing order to cover court fees.


Members may cancel a court booking up to 48 hours in advance without penalty. Cancellations with less notice will incur a fee or full payment for the court if no replacement player is found.




Founder members have enabled the purchase of the Club by means of Numbered Loan Notes made in multiples of £300, and by donations. Loans are to be repaid over a period of time


  • in the first instance to the estates of deceased members if so requested

  • in the second, to members applying to the committee on grounds of financial hardship

  • after these, by means of a draw of an agreed number of loans each year.




The Levy is the means by which the Membership ultimately buys ownership of the Club, and will be used solely to repay an agreed number of loans from the Founder Members each year. It will be charged to all Full, Adult Family and Country members playing more than 4 times during the year. The Levy will be collected annually, (but may be paid monthly by Standing Order), until all loans are repaid.






There shall be between 3 and 5 directors who administer the affairs and property of the Club and have responsibility to manage the Company’s business. They shall arrange for minutes to be kept of all meetings of Directors and of AGMs & EGMs. One of the directors shall be the Chairman of the Club. For conditions for termination of a Director’s appointment see Article 9.




In addition to the directors, there shall be between 2 and 6 full members who are elected by the membership to assist in running the functions of the Club and representing members’ views.


Officers shall include Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Secretary. Other specific management responsibilities include: the employment of professional and other staff, the fabric of the Club, fixtures and specified competitions, and social events.


The Head Professional shall be an ex-officio member of the Committee.




Election of Officers and Committee Members shall take place at the AGM of the Club. Any 2 full adult members of the Club may nominate a member for Office or Committee, this to be in writing and received by the Secretary at least 14 days prior to the AGM. The Executive shall have the power to co-opt further members to fill a vacancy or perform a necessary function during the year. At each AGM any directors or committee members not appointed at a previous AGM must resign and, if willing, offer themselves for reappointment by the membership.


Officers and Committee Members shall hold office for a maximum of 3 years before standing down. They may if they wish stand for re-election, subject to the requirements of the Committee. Initially the period of office is to be phased in order to retain some continuity.






The Club shall hold an AGM each year by specific call to members. 21 days notice of the time, date, and place is to be given for AGM/EGMs, together with an indication of the business of the meeting. The Chairman shall take the chair, or in his/her absence a Director. A quorum will exist when 10 members with voting rights are present.




Each member, founder member with an outstanding Loan Note, or corporation as member is entitled to attend any general meeting. Each has one vote, normally by show of hands. Proxy votes will be accepted, a notice of this to be received by the Club not less than 48 hours prior to the time of the meeting.




The financial year shall end on last day of September and the audited accounts presented at the following AGM.


An Auditor shall be appointed annually at the AGM




The Club may communicate with members through its Website and online booking system, by electronic means, by display on the Club’s notice boards, by publication, or failing these, by post to a UK address.


It is the duty of each member to ensure that the Club holds his/her current addresses including email, and telephone numbers.






The Constitution may only be changed by majority agreement at an AGM or EGM.




In the event of dissolution of The Club, any property remaining after the settlement of all its debts and liabilities shall not be distributed to members, but shall be given or transferred to a suitable sporting body in accordance with Article 5.3 of the Articles of Association.




The Articles of Association together with other Company documents may be inspected at the offices of the Club.


Fitzroy Street, Newmarket,

Suffolk, CB8 0JW,

United Kingdom

© 2025 The Newmarket Real Tennis Club Ltd

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